Notice of the Annual General Meeting of Women in the Fire Service

Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Women in the Fire Service with company registration number 06577352 and whose registered address is 47 Pashley Road, Eastbourne, England, BN20 8DY will be held during the National Training and Development Event at the Fire Service College, Moreton in Marsh, Gloucestershire.

On:      9th June 2024

At:        0915

At the AGM, you, as a member who is entitled to vote at the AGM, will be asked to consider and vote on the following resolution/s below.  


1. An ordinary resolution of amendments to the Memorandum of Association

2. An ordinary resolution to appoint the Auditor

By order of the Board


Jules King QFSM

WFS Chair


Women in the Fire Service deliver fire prevention training to women in Lebanon

In 2017 a small team from Operation Florian visited Lebanon to deliver fire prevention training to a range of NGOs (non-governmental organisations) hosted by Save the Children.  This was designed to embed fire safety awareness in their work supporting Syrian and Palestinian refugees living in ITS (informal tented settlements) and SSB (sub-standard buildings) as it had been identified that fire safety and education within the camps was extremely poor.

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2018 Project in South Sudan

A volunteer team of 6 visited South Sudan to deliver training on behalf of FIREAID and were working with the UN International Organisation for Migration.

The project consisted of two aspects of work, first to run a training course for community fire safety and community fire response teams.  Secondly, to carry out a fire safety assessment of the displaced persons camp, which can hold thousands of people living in makeshift accommodation in a very small area, with schools, hospitals, markets etc. adding to the risk.

Continue reading “2018 Project in South Sudan”