Jules King QFSM – Chair

Jules is the Chair of Women in the Fire Service UK (WFS) and has held this position since 2019. She also worked for East Sussex Fire & Rescue Service (ESFRS) as the Assistant Director for People Services until she retired in September 2024.
Jules has been involved with WFS for nearly over two decades and before that regularly attended the WFS conferences organised at the Fire Service College and other Services. She also attended the very first ‘Networking Women in the Fire Service’ conference in 1996.
Jules received the Queen’s Fire Service Medal in 2020 for distinguished service.
Away from work, she loves being outdoors and spending many happy hours on the South Downs with her family. She is a keen football fan and enjoys running and cycling.
Caroline Anderson QFSM – Vice Chair

Caroline joined Devon and Somerset Fire & Rescue Service as an on-call firefighter in 2004 and soon realised she had found a career she loved, even if a little late aged 38.
She has gained much experience in the fire service including community safety, with a particular passion for road safety education, protection, firesetter intervention and staff support. In 2010 she secured a secondment at headquarters in the equality and diversity department.
Her first undertaking with the organisation was attending the Networking Women in the Fire Service training and development event in Newcastle. Inspired by the enthusiasm and professionalism of the women she met there, she joined as a Regional Representative and hasn’t looked back since. She is currently Recruitment and Retention Officer for Devon & Somerset Fire Service. Caroline was recognised with a Queen’s Fire Service Medal for Distinguished Service in 2017.
Caroline lives in North Devon with her cats and her favourite pastimes are walking in the countryside, cooking, eating and watching rugby.
Amy Beams – Corporate Member Services Liaison

Amy joined Hampshire and IOW FRS 20 years ago. She has worked in a variety of frontline On-call and Wholetime Operational (response), Community Safety (prevention) and Fire Safety (protection) roles. After attending a WFS event, she was inspired to become a local rep, moving onto a regional role, and has most recently joined the team of WFS Directors.
Amy is passionate about promoting equity and equality in the Fire Sector and has an interest in the future of inclusive PPE.
Away from work she juggles family life with her husband, two children, a dog, chickens, and an allotment. She loves Autumn; and living in the New Forest, often enjoys colourful crunchy forest walks followed by a big roast dinner.
Joanne Henry – HR Consultant

Joanne joined the Fire Service in 2006, as a HR Clerk. She has moved thorough the HR department in various roles, including HR Coordinator, Advisor and Department Manager. Joanne current role as Employee Relations and Compliance Manager support the service to create a fair, transparent and inclusive workforce.Â
Joanne is passionate about promoting inclusion across all services, and regularly supports underrepresented group at events or with initiatives.
Joanne is the manager of the Blue Light Choir, based in the North East, which has members from all emergency services including Fire Service, Police, Ambulance, NHS and other key workers. The choir has performed at events in various location, supporting local and national charities. The choir is Joanne’s happy place to sing away the pressures of work and life.
Joanne’s other passion is spending time her grandchildren, where she regularly takes them to the local park, to return to home to do some arts, crafts or playdoh activities.
Nicola Lown – International

Nicola joined London Fire Brigade as a firefighter in 1995, moved to Gloucestershire Fire and Rescue Service in 2001 and was seconded as Station Manager to the Incident Command Team at the Fire Service College in 2007, an opportunity and privilege she is proud to have been afforded. She returned to London Fire Brigade in 2013 and retired in March 2024 as a Group Commander.
Nicola has been involved in different roles with WFS since attending her first Training and Development event as a delegate in 1996, and continues her involvement now a Director.
Nicola lives in North London with her cats and family, loves travelling and her favourite pastimes include outdoor swimming, reading, knitting and sewing. She especially excels in eating cheese!
Kathryn Billing – Liaison and Partnerships

Kathryn is the Chief Fire Officer for Cornwall Fire and Rescue Service and has been the Chief of WFS Bootcamps since 2014.
In 2014 she was welcomed along to WFS to run a couple of exercise sessions and has never looked back and loved every second of being involved.
Kathryn joined Cornwall County Fire Brigade in 1999 as a retained firefighter and was successful in the wholetime recruitment in 2001. Since then she has operated across most functions and locations, including training which she loved very much.
Since attending WFS in 2014 as a temporary Station Manager, Kathryn has been promoted to Group Manager People and Training in April 2017, Area Manager Service Delivery in August 2017, Assistant Chief Fire Officer in September 2019 and in March 2021 was appointed as the Chief Fire Officer and is exceptionally proud to hold this role in one of the most beautiful places in the world.
Away from work, Kathryn enjoys going to the gym and doing lots of burpees, she loves spending time at the beach or anywhere in stunning in Cornwall! She is very lucky to share her life with her cat who keeps her grounded and makes her very happy.
Paula Lyons – Company Secretary

Paula is now the Women in the Fire Service UK (WFS) company Secretary having started as a local rep. and attending her first ‘Networking Women in the Fire Service’ event in 2001 when she joined the sector as a wholetime firefighter. Prior to this, Paula was a volunteer for the British Red Cross Fire Victim Support Unit.
She has worked in what was Hampshire FRS as both a wholetime and on call firefighter, within Response, Operational Assurance, Risk and Policy. She then moved to Greater Manchester FRS, working across Service Excellence and Service Delivery. Paula later joined Avon FRS as T/Assistant Chief Fire Officer leading a Service Improvement Team. Paula is passionate about firefighter safety, wellbeing and inclusion, and is an advocate of supporting others and celebrating success.
Paula has a MSc in Thanatology and enjoys studying, in addition to walks by the sea with her husband and chihuahua.
Sara Slater – Treasurer

Sara Slater is Financial Services Manager at South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue. She couldn’t resist the opportunity to join WFS and contribute to their future direction whilst working alongside inspirational people and leaders. Sara was elected Treasurer in March 2021.
She joined the fire service in February 2019, is loving her role and working with great people. Before joining the fire service, she was Finance Manager for South Yorkshire Police and Crime Commissioner. Before that, she spent several years working at the British Council.
Living in Dronfield with her partner and son, she loves to spend time with family and friends and has a secret passion for jigsaw puzzles! In her leisure time, Sara enjoys good books, walking, cycling, cooking and trying her hand at growing vegetables!