Women in the Fire Service UK are thrilled to announce that The Fire Fighters Charity is the 50th organisation to join us as Corporate Members. A solid commitment which demonstrates support for women working in the fire and rescue service.
“Uniquely placed as the fire and rescue services’ charity, we fully support the group’s key mission – to enable and inspire confident and successful women within the UK’s fire and rescue services.”
Ruth Powell, Director of Engagement & Fundraising, The Fire Fighters Charity
The Fire Fighters Charity—who formed during the Second World War—today support the mental, physical and social needs of serving and retired members, whatever their role, in the UK’s fire sector. The charity have been one of Women in the Fire Service’s chosen charity partners at our national events for a number of years now, and a cause close to our hearts.
“We are delighted to join our colleagues from fire services across the UK as a corporate member of Women in the Fire Service UK. Uniquely placed as the fire and rescue services’ charity, we fully support the group’s key mission – to enable and inspire confident and successful women within the UK’s fire and rescue services.”
Ruth Powell, Director of Engagement & Fundraising, The Fire Fighters Charity
“The Fire Fighters Charity supports every member of our fire service community, from firefighters to support staff, including their spouses, partners and dependants, providing health and wellbeing support to each of them, when they need it most and throughout their lives. Ensuring inclusivity in providing our vital services is of the foremost importance to us and we’re incredibly excited to work in partnership with Women in the Fire Service UK .”
Celebrating 50 members
The Fire Fighters Charity join Bristol Airport Fire & Rescue Service and The Airport Fire Officers Association, also recent newcomers to the network of members. A number of Fire & Rescue Services joined us as new members earlier this year including Kent Fire and Rescue Service, Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service, Northern Ireland Fire and Rescue Service, Northumberland Fire and Rescue Service, North Wales Fire and Rescue Service and Staffordshire Fire and Rescue Service.
Women in the Fire Service UK received renewed membership from over 40 Service’s in 2021. This backing from renewed and new supporters alike has helped bring our total number of corporate members to a celebratory milestone of 50.
Your can view our current Corporate Members here.
“We are delighted that The Fire Fighters Charity are supporting our aims with membership. The more organisations that become involved, the more momentum we have. It is our pleasure to be joined by such a great organisation and we look forward to working alongside them in 2021.
We’re very grateful for the support we’ve received this year from our first-time members. Also for the support we continue to receive from our loyal members who renew year-on year which helps sustain us as a not-for-profit organisation.
Jules King, WFS Chair
Working together we can forge ahead with change for a more equal fire and rescue service. And help encourage young girls to consider the fire service as a future career option and more women to join its ranks.”
We’re looking forward to the next 50 members!
If you’d like to find out more about Corporate Membership, please get in touch.